Loyalty and new technologies fund
Mining and ICO Fund
Token Sold 1.796MM
Price Sold 1.854$
Raised 2,443,874.81
Investors 1051

Companies pay rewards to customers based on their purchase to further encourage repeat visits but with millions of merchants and millions of different reward point systems, many consumers are not able to fully utilise the potential of such a system.

A standardised and trackable model will help create a more fruitful and long lasting relationship between business owners and their clientele, creating further business opportunities and a healthy flow of capital in an economy.

What cryptocurrencies does LOYL mine?
Dash Coin
Lite Coin
How to buy LOYL?
Place order
Register Account
Verify Email
Provide KYC
Make Payment
Get MCAP in account
How to Trade?
Got to trade section in Market
Place buy/sell order
Set buy/sell price
Order is executed on trade match