MCAP token an initiative of MCAP Labs and uses the ERC 20 protocol for peer-to-peer transactions.
Mining and ICO Fund
Token Sold 2.311M
Price Sold 1073.3917$
Raised 7,408,686.30
Investors 2680
What is MCAP?

All MCAP transactions will be recorded to the Ethereum Blockchain to ensure immutability and transparency. MCAP labs focusses on three key areas:

  • Mining research
  • ICO evaluation
  • ICO investment

MCAP token is a mining and ICO fund.

What cryptocurrencies does MCAP mine?
Dash Coin
Lite Coin
How to buy MCAP
Place order
Register Account
Verify Email
Provide KYC
Make Payment
Get MCAP in account
How to Trade?
Got to trade section in Market
Place buy/sell order
Set buy/sell price
Order is executed on trade match